COVID-19 – General Update

Governor Cooper to Issue Executive Order on Thursda- During a press briefing today, Governor Roy Cooper indicated that an additional executive order would likely be issued tomorrow that will address, among other issues, additional social distancing requirements for retailers. It is anticipated that the order will address measures to limit the number of people in a retail store at one time based on the square footage of the retail facility and other social distancing measures.

NADA Dealership Lifeline Webinar Series Continues - NADA is conducting another series of webinars this week to assist dealers during the COVID-19 crisis. All webinars this week are from 1:00 - 2:00 pm, EDT. Information on this week's webinars is available here.  Also, recordings of previous webinars in this series are also available at the link above.

Paycheck Protection Program - As the Paycheck Protection Program loan process continues, dealers interested in applying for a PPP loan are encouraged to consult with your lenders and submit your application as soon as possible.  More information on the PPP is available here.  Further, NADA updated its CARES Act FAQ yesterday, April 7, 2020, with more information on the PPP and other elements of the Act.

Buncombe County Amends Stay at Home Order to Define Auto Sales as Essential - The Buncombe County Commission updated the County's Stay at Home order today to define "auto sales" as essential and permitting sales pursuant to a detailed plan of action proposed by the local Buncombe County dealers and NCADA.  Guidance on the order was also updated.  NCADA thanks all the local Buncombe County dealers for their efforts to seek more consistency between this local order and the statewide Stay at Home Order and to clearly identify auto sales as essential.