COVID-19 – General Update


New Executive Order - Governor Roy Cooper issued an anticipated additional Executive Order 131 this afternoon, providing for "Additional Social Distancing Requirements" for "Retail Establishments", including certain maximum occupancy, social distancing markings and cleaning and disinfection requirements.  Under the Order, a "retail establishment" specifically includes a "vehicle dealership." 

NCADA Summary - An initial NCADA Summary of the additional social distancing requirements for retail establishments is available here.

Official FAQ - An official FAQ for the new Executive Order 131 was also issued today.

Effective Date - The additional social distancing requirements for retail establishments in Executive Order 131 are effective Monday, April 13, 2020, at 5:00 pm and shall remain in effect for thirty (30) days from that date, unless repealed, replaced or rescinded by another order.

Impact on Local Orders - As noted in the NCADA Summary, Executive Order 131 provides that, in an effort to create uniformity across the state for retail businesses that may continue to operate, the Order also amends all local government emergency prohibitions and restrictions to remove any language that sets a different standard for maximum occupancy in retail establishments or otherwise directly conflicts with the above noted "Additional Social Distancing Requirements."  EO 131 likewise prohibits the adoption of local government prohibitions or restrictions that set a different standard for maximum occupancy in retail establishments or otherwise directly conflict with the above noted "Additional Social Distancing Requirements."  See the NCADA Summary for more on the impact on local government orders.

Other Provisions - The Order also enables the North Carolina Division of Employment Security, the division of the North Carolina Department of Commerce which processes unemployment claims, to more quickly process certain claims filed by North Carolina employers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and to expedite the availability of financial relief to employees, as well as provision for long term care risk mitigation measures.

Motor Vehicle Inspections - As the General Assembly is not expected to convene before April 28, 2020, the issue of expiring motor vehicle inspections has been a pressing issue. House and Senate leadership have issued a joint statement expressing support for passage of legislation to retroactively extend vehicle inspection deadlines when the General Assembly reconvenes. The statement also notes support for "bureaucratic flexibility on compliance with the existing deadlines."

Department of Justice Alert - The North Carolina Department of Justice has issued a Consumer Alert for small businesses applying for loans under the Paycheck Protection Program.